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The PTC Team Leaders would like you invite you to join them, the Room Coordinators and the new Administration for some coffee and pastries after 8am Mass (approximately 8:50am) on Tuesday, September 5th in the Courtyard (weather permitting). If the weather does not cooperate, we will gather in Cebelak Hall. This is the CEC Families first day back at school and the first official academic day for the Full-Time Families. This will be a wonderful opportunity to take a few minutes to celebrate together the start of this school year, greet our new Headmaster, Assistant Headmaster and Dean of Curriculum and be reminded who is serving as your specific class PTC Room Coordinator. Children are welcome and please spread the word!

Choir Schedule for School Masses

Choirmaster David Harwood at

September (x4)
9/8: F: Nativity BVM: Grade 6 FT
9/14: Th: Exaltation: Grades 7/8 CEC
9/15: F: OLS: Grades 7 FT
9/29: F: St Michael: Grade 9 FT

October (x5)
10/3: T: St Therese: High School CEC
10/4: W: St Francis: Grade 6 FT
10/6: F: VM SH: Parish Musicians
10/16: M: St MM Alacoque: Grades 7 FT
10/18: W: St Luke: Grade 9 FT

November (x6)
11/1: W: All Saints: Grade 6 FT
11/2: Th: All Souls: High School CEC
11/3: F: VM SH: Grades 7 FT
11/9 Th: St John Lateran: Grades: 7/8 CEC
11/21: T: Presentation of BVM: Grade 9 FT
11/30: Th: St. Andrew: Grade 6 FT

December (x5)
12/1: F: VM SH: Grades 7 FT
12/8: F: Immaculate Conception: Grade 9 FT
12/12: T: Our Lady of Guadalupe: Grades 7/8 CEC
12/12: T: Lessons and Carols: All Choir Classes
12/14: Th: Rorate mass: High School CEC