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Always a big hit, this year’s class basket themes are:
-Montessori through 2nd grade – Boredom busters 8 & under
-3rd through 5th grade – Boredom busters 8 & up
-6th through 8th grade – Pure Michigan
FT Households are representing the 4 seasons
-Joan of Arc – spring
-Teresa Benedicta – summer
-St Philip Neri- fall
-St Benedict- winter
CEC households:
-St Bernadette – For the love of coffee
-St Ambrose- all things sports

This year we are not asking for one item per child but rather one item per family, unless you feel compelled to give more!  Please peruse the signup genius link below for gift card options as well.

Support Sacred Heart Academy by enjoying an evening of good food, friendship and fun! To purchase tickets, visit

Early Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences

Sacred Heart Academy is committed to partnering with families in the formation of their children. One important way this happens is through parent-teacher conferences. These have been moved from November to early September in an effort to better facilitate partnership with families and establish early communication between home and school. At these conferences, parents will sign-up to have a conversation with their child’s homeroom or Household teacher. That teacher will share some general thoughts about the grade level of the child, including common expectations and one or two key development areas for that grade level, and will share initial impressions from the first few days of school. Parents are invited to share about their child: this is an opportunity to support the teacher in knowing each child from a wider and fuller perspective, including the weaknesses and strengths of the child. Parents might consider sharing about a hope or dream for their child for the upcoming academic year: perhaps the family is working with the child to grow in courage to speak up in class and with friends, or to grow in friendship with peers, or to better manage his/her emotions, or to renew his/her interest in reading or math or science, or such like items. In other words, parents are invited to form a partnership with the teacher through regular communication, so that the teacher can support the family in the formation of the child.

Here are instructions for signing-up for conferences. Families, please sign-up only for your homeroom or Household teacher. For parents of incoming 9th grade students, since you do not know yet to what Household your child belongs, we are going to leave conference sign-ups open until after the first day of school, when your child will be welcomed into a Household.

Fall Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for September 6th and 10th.Please click CONFERENCE SIGN UP to schedule your children’s conferences. Conference spots are limited! If you have more than one child in a homeroom, please sign up for one conference for both of them. When scheduling, you will have the option on the left side in the “Time Picker” column to add additional students to your schedule. When you schedule please make sure:

(1) you have selected the correct homeroom/household in either full-time or CEC;

(2) you have scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page and clicked the “Confirm Selections and Exit” button to save your selections; and

(3) you have entered both first and last names for your child(ren).

Keep in mind the following considerations relating to conferences:

  • If you do not receive a confirmation email, the sign up didn’t work.

  • If you have more than two children who need conferences, IT IS IMPORTANT TO SIGN UP EARLY to ensure that you are able to get your conferences back-to-back.

  • All conferences will be in-person with your child’s homeroom teacher or household dean.

  • Some grades have limited scheduling windows to specific days. Some families may not be able to schedule all conferences on a single day.

  • Families who have recently met with their child’s teachers or are scheduled to do so should not sign up for a conference for that child.

  • Conference sign-up closes on Tuesday, September 3rd for full-time students and Saturday, September 7th for CEC students. If you miss this deadline, you may contact the homeroom teacher you would like to meet with directly to set up appointments with them.

  • If you have any questions, please contact Helen Kennedy,

  • Please note that Friday the 6th is a half day. Dismissal is at 12:15pm.

To ensure quiet halls and that our staff get a break before conferences, pick your children up promptly at dismissal time. Students will not be readmitted to the building after dismissal. The Academy does not provide childcare before or during conferences. Please plan accordingly.