General Resources for 2024-25
FinalSite Enrollment Parent Portal Help
- One-Page Calendar 2024-25
- SHA Boonli Information
- CEC 1/2 Partnership Information
- CEC 3/4 Partnership Information
- CEC 5/6 Partnership Information
- Uniform Requirements 2024-25
- School Supply List 7th-12th Grade 2024-25
- School Supply List K-6th Grade 2024-25
- School Supply List Montessori 2024-25
- CEC Materials List 2024-25
- Parent Recess Volunteer Sign Up – Winter 2025
- Medication Administration Form
- Device Agreement and Disclosure
- Volunteer Driving Information Request 2024-25
- Grand Rapids Area Catholic Schools Transportation Department
- SHA Family Handbook 2024-25
- SHA Core Principles Document
- SHA External Calendar
- Office of Discernment and Formation Overview
- Support and Stay in Touch with SHA on Patreon
- Chaperoning for Field Trips and Events and Permission Slip
- Class Change Form
- 2023 SHA Uniform Flyer
- Teacher Amazon WishList
- CEC Book Fee Opt-Out Form
- VIRTUS Lessons
- VIRTUS Opt-Out Form
- Family to Family Basket
- Counseling Services
Partners in Formation –
The Headmaster Conversations are Zoom meetings, usually the 2nd Thursday of each month at 4:45pm, in which I’m inviting families to share feedback about these three priorities. The aim is to invite conversation and listen to how these three priorities are showing up for you.
The “Casual Conversations” are a new touchpoint in which I, and possibly other members of the leadership team, are available to you at the beginning or end of the school day, to talk about whatever might be on your mind. The aim here is casual conversation that supports our common life together.
Partners in Formation will aim this year at listening to families share about their experiences being Catholic families in the midst of modern culture. Since the Academy is dedicated to assisting families in forming Catholics and cultivating culture, I am hoping that these might be wide-ranging conversations about the needs, opportunities, and challenges of trying to live out our Catholic faith authentically in an increasingly hostile modern culture. These are only twice each semester.
3 – 9:00am-9:30am – Casual Conversation about Grades 6-8, Cafeteria
- This event aims to share with families, in the 6-8 grade-band, a few ideas for how the Academy is thinking about child development at those ages. Families are then invited to connect with each other and build community together. Some of the staff in that grade band will be invited as well to connect with families.
19 – 4:45pm – Headmaster Conversation (via Zoom) on Palestrina 500
- This conversation on Zoom is specifically about the year-long choral festival at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish called Palestrina 500, celebrating the quincentennial birthday of the great Renaissance composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-94). This anniversary provides our Parish a lens through which we can promote the good, true, and beautiful to our greater community.
9 – Headmaster Conversation (via Zoom) on Sacred Heart Term & CSW – 4:45pm via Zoom
- This conversation on Zoom is specifically about Catholic Schools Week. We will also discuss the Oath of Fidelity and its importance for the life of the Academy. This year, the Oath will be taken by faculty on Friday, January 31st in the presence of the Bishop.
15 – Partners in Formation evening event on Leisure: Seminar – 7:00pm
- This evening aims to invite parents to join in a seminar-style discussion about the book The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. For this Seminar, participants should have read Parts 1 & 2 of the book.
- Please sign-up for attending the Seminar. The purpose for signing up is for the Academy to be prepared: Seminar groups should not be too large, so we may bring additional faculty/support as needed to help facilitate additional groups if many parents sign-up. This sign-up closes on January 8th.
21, 23 – Parent-Teacher Conferences (4-8pm each day)
31 – 8:00am Mass with Bishop Walkowiak, including Oath of Fidelity by Sacred Heart Academy faculty
11 – 9:00am-9:30am – Casual Conversation – Grades Mont-2, Cafeteria
- This event aims to share with families, in the Mont-2 grade-band, a few ideas for how the Academy is thinking about child development at those ages. Families are then invited to connect with each other and build community together. Some of the staff in that grade band will be invited as well to connect with families.
19 – Partners in Formation evening event on Leisure: Seminar – 7:00pm
- This evening aims to invite parents to join in a seminar-style discussion about the book The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. For this Seminar, participants should have read Parts 3 & 4 of the book.
- Please sign-up for attending the Seminar. The purpose for signing up is for the Academy to be prepared: Seminar groups should not be too large, so we may bring additional faculty/support as needed to help facilitate additional groups if many parents sign-up. This sign-up closes on February 12th.
27 – Headmaster Conversation (via Zoom) on Lent & the Commitment to Fidelity – 4:45pm via Zoom
- This conversation on Zoom is specifically about the spiritual value of the liturgical season of Lent. We will also talk about the Commitment to Fidelity, its importance and value for our shared life together at Sacred Heart of Jesus parish.
12 – State of the Academy address – 7:00pm
18 – 9:00am-9:30am – Casual Conversation about Grades 9-12, Cafeteria
- This event aims to share with families, in the 9-12 grade-band, a few ideas for how the Academy is thinking about child development at those ages. Families are then invited to connect with each other and build community together. Some of the staff in that grade band will be invited as well to connect with families.
– Headmaster Conversation – because of the State of the Academy Address, there will not be a Headmaster Conversation in March.
15 – 2:30pm-3:00pm – Casual Conversation about Grades 3-5, Cafeteria
- This event aims to share with families, in the 3-5 grade-band, a few ideas for how the Academy is thinking about child development at those ages. Families are then invited to connect with each other and build community together. Some of the staff in that grade band will be invited as well to connect with families.
24 – Headmaster Conversation (via Zoom) on Sacred Heart Term – 4:45pm via Zoom
- This conversation on Zoom is specifically about Sacred Heart Term: what it is, what to expect for this year, and what choices families can make for the Term.
13 – 2:30pm-3:00pm – Casual Conversation about Grades 6-8, Cafeteria
- This event aims to share with families, in the 6-8 grade-band, a few ideas for how the Academy is thinking about child development at those ages. Families are then invited to connect with each other and build community together. Some of the staff in that grade band will be invited as well to connect with families.
22 – Headmaster Conversation (via Zoom) on Augustine Term and closing out the academic year – 4:45pm via Zoom
- This conversation on Zoom is specifically about Augustine Term for the 2025-2026 academic year. We will also discuss what communication families will see from the Academy and what they should expect to do in view of preparing for the upcoming school year.