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“Whenever you begin any good work you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.” — St. Benedict

From the Foundations of Faith

For most of its history, Sacred Heart was a K-8 school, and although the school transitioned to a full K-12 a few short years ago, we remain committed to paying special attention to the formative years of our youngest students.

It is in these years that the habits, affections, disciplines, and virtues take root in the soul. At Sacred Heart, we want these things to be not ideas young students encounter only through their intellect. We want them to be formed in a culture where these virtues are seen, lived, and practiced.

To a Fitting Completion

In the fall of 2015, Sacred Heart Academy opened its full-time high school program in response to demand for a fitting completion to the rich classical and authentically Catholic formation provided in our Mont-8th grade program.

Our high school students begin each day with Mass and study an integrated classical curriculum including Latin, sacred music, Euclidean geometry, life science, theology, and a team-taught humanities course in which students will discuss great books spanning over three millennia from Homer’s Odyssey and the dialogues of Plato to the plays of Shakespeare, novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen, and 20th century apologists like G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis. Following the addition of the 9th grade, the academy added a grade level each year, and completed the K-12 program with our first graduating class in the Spring of 2019.

Join Us!

Discover the unique vision and value that this education, rooted in truth, goodness and beauty, provides our high school students.