Diane Black
Jesus is Honey in the mouth, Music to the ears, Joy to the heart. (O Admirabile Nomen Jesu)
Diane Black is the librarian at Sacred Heart Academy. She graduated from Hillsdale College as an English major, married Brian Black, and had seven children whom she homeschooled through high school (with a few years of Sacred Heart CEC classes thrown in)! Early in child-rearing, her sister-in-law, Noelle Divozzo, introduced her to fine picture books, illustrated by artists such as Hilary Knight, Barbara Cooney, Racey Helps, and Tibor Gergley. This was the beginning of a passion for book-hunting, collecting, and reading aloud to her children, which is now delightfully able to be passed on to Sacred Heart Academy schoolchildren! Mrs. Black also loves making cards, taking walks, going Up North and spending time with her five grandchildren.
Her favorite children’s saint book is: Joan of Arc by Josephine Poole and Angela Barrett.