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“Help us, O God, to enter into the secret of childhood, so that we may know, love, and serve the child in accordance with the laws of Thy justice and following Thy holy will.” — Dr. Maria Montessori

The Tenderest Years

In our ages 3 to 6 Montessori environments, we educate the whole child—spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual. Children are free to move around the room and learn through “works” that isolate skills to be learned. These works allow children to learn through discovery using hands-on Montessori materials originally developed in Rome 108 years ago so that abstract concepts can be presented in a concrete form. In fact, the first Montessori school opened on the Feast of the Epiphany!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd—a beautiful Montessori-based Catholic faith formation—is also incorporated into the program.

There are two Montessori environments: Domus Dei (House of God) and Porta Cali (Gate of Heaven).

Montessori at Sacred Heart Academy seeks to collaborate with parents in the education of their children, providing a spirit-filled, enriching environment for children to grow and develop in these crucial early years.

When We Meet

Half-day (7:40 am – 11:15 am) or full-day (7:40 am – 3:15 pm); Students may be 4-day (Monday -Thursday) or 5-day (Monday-Friday).

Checklist to determine if your child is ready:

Child is three years old by September 1st

Child is able to dress himself with simple clothing (pull-on pants/skirts/shirts, socks)

Child obeys readily and follows through with simple instructions

Child is able to use the toilet almost entirely independently, including knowing when he needs to use the bathroom and not requiring any assistance with wiping. (We realize that accidents will happen. When they do, we assist minimally in a loving, calm manner.)

Child is able to communicate wants and needs verbally

Notes From Our Montessori Teachers

I love spending my days in the Montessori classroom at Sacred Heart Academy!  Our environment is calm and peaceful – from the quiet voices to the natural lighting.  One of the wonderful aspects of a Montessori classroom is that each child is truly able to learn at his own pace.  Each child completes works based on his needs, rather than needs of others in the group.  In choosing their own independent works and working with their hands, the children take on an active role in their education.  It is amazing to see what such young children are capable of when they are given an opportunity!  As Dr. Montessori said, “Montessori is an education for independence; preparing not just for school, but for life.”

Bridget Germano, Montessori Teacher

As Socrates said, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” How perfectly this describes the Montessori method–a holistic approach to education that involves the mind, body and soul. As Montessori teachers, we guide the children in their learning and provide them with the opportunity for personal exploration and independence while working with unique hands-on materials carefully designed by Dr. Maria Montessori. At Sacred Heart Academy, we also form our Montessori students in their Catholic faith by incorporating prayer, the lives of the saints, Marian devotion and most importantly, attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass during the week. Working in our Montessori classroom is so rewarding! Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

Mary Forrester, Montessori Teacher

As Dr. Maria Montessori said,

“Montessori is an education for independence; preparing not just for school, but for life.”