Joshua Gregor
Latin Coordinator, Upper School- Latin
Mr. Gregor was born into a Catholic family in Columbus, Ohio and was homeschooled for most of his grade school years. Later he spent several years discerning the priesthood with the Legionaries of Christ in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Italy. During his seminary years he received a B.A. in philosophy from the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome, with a thesis on William Wordsworth’s Romantic theory of poetry. Afterwards he received an M.A. in linguistics from Indiana University, focusing on Latin and Romance languages. Before starting teaching Mr. Gregor worked as an editor, translator, and research assistant. He and his wife were married in 2020. Even outside of school Mr. Gregor loves languages and speaks Spanish, Italian, and French. He also spends a lot of time reading, and enjoys baseball and all things automotive. And few things make him happier than a good espresso.
Mr. Gregor’s favorite saints are St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Thérèse of Lisieux.