Eric Plaehn
Household Dean, Science Coordinator, & Upper School- Science, Assistant Athletic Director
Mr. Plaehn was baptized as an infant, grew up in Okemos, and went to Hope College to study Mechanical Engineering where he played NCAA baseball for 4 years. He graduated, worked as an engineer for two years in West Michigan and then moved to Boston for two years as he pursued a graduate degree, earning a Master of Arts in Philosophy. He has worked as both a mechanical engineer and a 3D Design Specialist. Mr. Plaehn moved back to Grand Rapids and was married to his beautiful wife Emily in a lovely ceremony here at Sacred Heart. He coaches baseball, is an avid golfer and enjoys reading when he has the time. His favoite saint it St. Augustine.
“And I replied unto all these, which stand so round about these doors of my flesh: Answer me concerning my God, since that you are not he, answer me something of him. And they cried out with a loud voice: He made us.”