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Discernment & Formation

“Holiness consists simply in doing God’s will, and being just what God wants us to be.” — St. Therese of Lisieux

Grounded in the Sacraments

Every day at Sacred Heart begins with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. By putting “first things first,” we hope to establish every day a proper priority and orientation for everything else we do. Weekly time spent in Eucharistic Adoration and frequent opportunity for Reconciliation further assist students in living the full beauty of the Catholic faith.

Daily: 7:45 am

Eucharistic Adoration
Weekday Mornings: 6:00 am to 7:00 am
Tuesdays: After Mass until 3:00 pm

Tuesdays, 3:00 pm

Confessions for students are scheduled regularly.


“The future is, most of all, in the hands of those people who recognize the other as a ‘you’ and themselves as part of an ‘us.’ We all need each other.” — Pope Francis

The Household Program ranks amongst the key ways the academy helps parish students and families draw nearer to Our Savior. Households are currently open to our high school students and are single-sex constituted, led by a faculty Dean of the same sex. The aim of the Household Program is to offer greater, intentional opportunities for our students to see and serve one another within the framework of a lived discipleship. This lived discipleship is partnered with opportunities, both organic and structured, to foster strong Christian leadership.

Each Household has a complementary brother/sister Household and is committed to service on campus and within the broader community. In conjunction with service projects, Households are encouraged to celebrate certain feast days with meals while providing opportunities to gather, compete, celebrate, etc. All of this serves to cultivate a real, personable connection to our community and to one another.

Career and College Preparation

The Office of Discernment and Formation (formerly Guidance Counseling) at Sacred Heart Academy helps high school students grow in self-knowledge, make the most of their formative time at the Academy, and discover God’s will for their lives after graduation. 

Whether students are pursuing college, vocational training, military, or religious vocation, we walk with them through the entire process, helping them to make their next phase of life both satisfying and God-honoring.

Check out our  Office of Discernment and Formation page for information on CLT/SAT/ACT Testing and for opportunities beyond Sacred Heart.


A Note About Discernment and Formation

Dear Friends,

As an academy, our desire is to draw nearer to Our Savior as we serve one another within the framework of a lived discipleship. One way we foster this discipleship is the academy Household program, an organic process of formation for our students, our staff and community. This program exists to establish a landscape for authentic human encounter whereby the creation of real friendship can happen.

It is in such concrete, authentic encounters with one another that the life-giving truth and transformative values of the Gospel is most effectively transmitted. In other words, encountering Christ can never be a matter simply of “programming.” Knowing Christ comes through seeing Christ, first in His Eucharistic sacrifice, and then in the face and lives of one another, especially in the lives of those most vulnerable, permits us to live in true consideration of one another.

Knowing Christ comes through seeing Christ, first in His Eucharistic sacrifice, and then in the face and lives of one another, especially in the lives of those most vulnerable.


By intentionally fostering deeper relationships with one another in the context of initial discipline, we not only teach the Christian life, but we live this life together, in true community, and thus are able authentically to pass it on to the next generation.

What’s more, it is only in such a community that young men and women learn they are made for love, and can discern their own unique and specific call to love in their lives.

May God bless us with peace and charity as we learn to love one another.

In Christ,
Joseph Hyland, Upper School

Help is here.

Discernment, spiritual guidance, college or career prep, testing, FAFSA-we can help with it all.