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Academy Choir

"Singing itself is almost like flying, rising up to God; it is in some way an anticipation of eternity when we will be able to “unceasingly sing God’s praise.” -Pope Benedict XVI, Speech on October 22, 2005


The Academy Choir is comprised of students in grades 5-12 who desire to sing four+ part polyphony primarily for the praise of God at Mass. As such, The Academy Choir is one of the most important endeavors undertaken at our school, as we raise our voices in song to the God who made each of us as His own unique work of art. This ensemble, now 75+ voices strong, sings sacred music in a variety of styles, from Gregorian chant to sacred polyphony, including composers such as Palestrina, Mozart, Holst and Rutter. Participation in The Academy Choir is open to all students who are willing to make a weekly commitment to rehearse well in preparation for several Masses per month, along with Lessons and Carols (December) and the May Magnificat. The Academy Choir also sings at choral festivals, and ultimately on tour to share intrinsically noble music within Catholic settings and other apostolates.


Deacon Richard Fish, Choirmaster

Mr. Jonathan Bading, Organist

Upcoming 2025 Choir Events:

Saturday, March 15: Pueri Cantores Choral Festival in Ann Arbor, MI

List of all upcoming Academy Choir Sung Masses


Current Academy Choir Member Information

Order Academy Choir Attire