Brian Coughlin
Upper School- Math
“And now I rejoice in my sufferings, for in them I fill up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, for the sake of His Body, the Church.”– Colossians 1:24
Mr. Coughlin was born in northern Illinois, raised in mid-central Wisconsin, and went to college in New Hampshire, where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from Dartmouth College; he also has a pending lifetime teaching certificate in Wisconsin. Mr. Coughlin had some utterly amazing math teachers who inspired him to follow their example, and as a result, he worked in three high schools (one in Illinois, two in Wisconsin) before coming to Michigan. He and his wife left everything they had in Wisconsin to come to Sacred Heart Academy after recognizing how amazing and authentically God-centered it was, and they plan to stay here. His wife is a lovely, Godly woman named Kathy, and though they have not been blessed with children of their own, he notes that he has dozens of children in all of his classes, whom he loves very much. He and his wife also “raise” a cute 10-year-old kitty named Abby! Mr. Coughlin considers himself something of a computer geek, though he also loves to read (Chesterton is one of his favorites), and he adores teaching.